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THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS February 2020 - June 2023


  1. EA Representative – Mr Marc Magill
  2. EA Representative – Mrs Barbara Walker
  3. Transferor Representative – Mrs Roisin Blanc (Methodist Church)
  4. Transferor Representative – Rev Peter Lyle (Presbyterian Church)
  5. Transferor Representative – Mrs Nicola Gullen (Church of Ireland)
  6. Hon Transferor Representative – Mrs Anne Lightbody
  7. Parent Representative – Mrs Lynda Braniff
  8. Parent Representative – Mr Scott Gill
  9. Teacher Representative – Mrs Helen Norton, Acting Vice-Principal

Secretary to Board of Governors –  Mr Tim Beckett, Principal

The present governing body was reconstituted in February 2020 and members will serve until 2023. Parent governors and a teacher governor have been elected to serve for this term of office.

Governors’ committees comprise, Non Teaching Appointments, Curriculum, Finance, (including Salaries), Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures, Premises, Salaries Appeal and Special Education. Through these committees governors make decisions about:- the financial management of the school, pupil discipline, the curriculum, staff appointments, community links and grievance and disciplinary matters.

All governors meet to consider major policies and decisions about school organisation as well as the appointment of all teaching staff. 

The governors, as a body, work with the principal, senior leadership team and class teachers to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum as stated in the aims and objectives of the school. A summary of these may be found in the school prospectus. 

The governors would like to be kept in touch with any opinions, concerns, expectations or suggestions you may have about school life.

All communications to the governing body should be addressed to Mr D Massey, Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors.

A message from our Chairman, Rev Peter Lyle.

Welcome to Towerview Primary School’s website.  As you look around the site you will see  that our school is a very happy community of children and staff.  From the Nursery Unit through to P7 we strive to provide the children with a positive and secure environment in which they can learn. 

As Governors we are very proud of all our staff, both teaching and non teaching, who give generously of all their talents to provide a huge variety of opportunities to the children.  We have a creative, enthusiastic and caring group of teachers who maintain a high degree of excellence in their cross curricular provision, something affirmed in our most recent inspection report.

Of course, our greatest pride is in our children.  Whether academically, on the field of sport, in performance arts or other personal achievements, inside or outside of school, we celebrate their development and successes, hoping that when they leave us to move on to the next stage of their lives they have been given an excellent grounding.

The best way to see what we do is to come and see us doing it.  We look forward to welcoming you.

Yours sincerely,
Rev Peter Lyle B.Ed., B.D.
Chairman, Board of Governors

Farewell and thankyou to Mr Leslie Cree MBE

On behalf of the Board of Governors, our Chairman Rev Peter Lyle and Vice Chair Mrs Anne Lightbody,  thanked Mr Leslie Cree for his 30 years’ commitment and service on the Board of Governors as an EA representative since 1989.

A presentation was made of an engraved crystal decanter thanking him for his dedication to the school, on behalf of the governors, staff and pupils of Towerview. 

Farewell and thankyou to Mrs Ann McMurray

On behalf of the whole Towerview Community, the Board of Governors  thanked Mrs Ann McMurray for over 40 years’ commitment to Towerview as a parent, grandparent, teacher and then governor.

A presentation was made of an engraved crystal vase thanking Ann for her dedication to the school, on behalf of the many families, governors and colleagues she has worked with during this time.